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Journal Article: Survey Of High-Risk Pool Enrollees Suggests That Targeted Transition Education And Outreach Should Begin Soon

Sep. 01, 2013: Blewett, L.A., Lukanen, E., Call, K.T., Dahlen, H. 2013. "Survey Of High-Risk Pool Enrollees Suggests That Targeted Transition Education And Outreach Should Begin Soon." Health Affairs, 32(9): 1568-1575. doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2013.0370 Read More

Journal Article: Disparities in Health Insurance Among Children With Same-Sex Parents

Sep. 01, 2013: Gonzales, G. Blewett, L.A. 2013. "Disparities in Health Insurance Among Children With Same-Sex Parents." Pediatrics. doi: 10.1542/peds.2013-0988 Read More

Journal Article: Health Reform and the US Virgin Islands: High-Need-Limited Impact

Sep. 01, 2013: Blewett, L.A., Call, K.T., Marmor, S. 2013. "Health Reform and the US Virgin Islands: High-Need-Limited Impact." Journal of Public Health Management and Practice, 19(5): 393-401. doi: 10.1097/PHH.0b013e31826d8020 Read More

Journal Article: Sizing Up the Individual Market for Health Insurance: A Comparison of Survey and Administrative Data Sources

Aug. 01, 2013: Abraham, J.M., Karaca-Mandic, P., & Boudreaux, M. 2013. "Sizing Up the Individual Market for Health Insurance: A Comparison of Survey and Administrative Data Sources." Medical Care Research and Review 70(4): 418-433. doi: 10.1177/1077558713477206 Read More

Journal Article: Medicaid ‘Welcome-Mat’ Effect Of Affordable Care Act Implementation Could Be Substantial

Jun. 01, 2013: Sonier, J., Boudreaux, M. H., & Blewett, L. A. 2013. "Medicaid ‘Welcome-Mat’ Effect Of Affordable Care Act Implementation Could Be Substantial." Health Affairs, 32(7): 1319-1324. doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2013.0360 Read More

Journal Article: Monitoring Health Reform Efforts: Which State-level Data to Use?

May. 01, 2013: Call, K. T., Blewett, L. A., Boudreaux, M. H., & Turner, J. 2013. "Monitoring Health Reform Efforts: Which State-level Data to Use?" INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing, 50(2), 93-105. doi: 10.1177/0046958013513670 Read More

Journal Article: Comparing Errors in Medicaid Reporting across Surveys: Evidence to Date

Jul. 01, 2012: Call, K. T., Davern, M. E., Klerman, J. A., & Lynch, V. 2012. "Comparing Errors in Medicaid Reporting Across Surveys: Evidence to Date." Health Services Research. 2012 Jul 20. doi: 10.1111/j.1475-6773.2012.01446.x. Read More

Journal Article: Monitoring health reform efforts: Which state-level data to use?

Jun. 28, 2012: Presentation by Kathleen Call, "Monitoring health reform efforts: Which state-level data to use?" at AcademyHealth's Annual Research Meeting, June 24th in Orlando, FL.   Read More

Journal Article: Use of the integrated health interview series: trends in medical provider utilization (1972-2008)

May. 09, 2012: The Integrated Health Interview Series (IHIS) is a public data repository that harmonizes four decades of the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). The NHIS is the premier source of information on the health of the U.S. population. Since 1957 the survey has collected information on health...Read More

Journal Article: Use of the Integrated Health Interview Series: Trends in Medical Provider Utilization (1972-2008)

Mar. 01, 2012: Davern, M., Blewett, L., Lee, B., Boudreaux, M., & King, M. 2012. "Use of the Integrated Health Interview Series: Trends in Medical Provider Utilization (1972-2008)." Epidemiologic Perspectives & Innovations,9(1), 2. Read More

Journal Article: Massachusetts Health Reforms: Uninsurance Remains Low, Self-Reported Health Status Improves As State Prepares To Tackle Costs

Feb. 01, 2012: Long, S.K., Stockley, K., & Dahlen, H. 2012 "Massachusetts Health Reforms: Uninsurance Remains Low, Self-Reported Health Status Improves As State Prepares To Tackle Costs." Health Affairs (32)2: 444-451. Read More

Journal Article: Massachusetts Health Reforms: Uninsurance Remains Low, Self-Reported Health Status Improves As State Prepares To Tackle Costs

Feb. 01, 2012: The Massachusetts health reform initiative enacted into law in 2006 continued to fare well in 2010, with uninsurance rates remaining quite low and employer-sponsored insurance still strong. Access to health care also remained strong, and first-time reductions in emergency department visits and...Read More

Journal Article: Immigrant Access to Health Care

Dec. 20, 2011: SHADAC Research Assistant Jessie Kemmick-Pintor and Lynn Blewett published an article in the October 2011 issue of Minnesota Physician as part of the journal’s special focus section on health reform. "Immigrant access to health care" reviews the key provisions of national legislation pertaining to...Read More

Journal Article: A Capacity Building Program to Promote CBPR Partnerships between Academic Researchers and Community Members

Dec. 01, 2011: Allen, M. L., Culhane‐Pera, K. A., Pergament, S., & Call, K. T. 2011. "A Capacity Building Program to Promote CBPR Partnerships between Academic Researchers and Community Members." Clinical and Translational Science. 2011 Dec;4(6):428-33. doi: 10.1111/j.1752-8062.2011.00362.x. Read More

Journal Article: Are the Current Population Survey Uninsurance Estimates Too High? An Examination of the Imputation Process

Aug. 11, 2011: Davern M, Rodin H, Blewett LA, Call KT. Are the Current Population Survey Uninsurance Estimates Too High? An Examination of the Imputation Process. Health Serv Res. 2007;42(5):2038-2055. Research Objective. To determine whether the imputation procedure used to replace missing...Read More

Journal Article: The importance of geographic data aggregation in assessing disparities in American Indian prenatal care.

Jul. 18, 2011: Objectives. We sought to determine whether aggregate national data for American Indians/Alaska Natives (AIANs) mask geographic variation and substantial subnational disparities in prenatal care utilization. Methods. We used data for US births from 1995 to 1997 and from 2000 to 2002 to...Read More

Journal Article: Improving Geriatric Transitional Care through Interprofessional Care Teams

Jul. 18, 2011: Objectives  The aim of this study was to examine the impact of the use of an inter-professional care team on patient length of stay and payer charges in a geriatric transitional care unit. Methods  An analysis of de-identified administrative records for transitional care...Read More

Journal Article: Immigrant children's access to health care: differences by global region of birth

Jul. 18, 2011: We use data from the National Health Interview Survey (2000-2006) to examine the social determinants of health insurance coverage and access to care for immigrant children by 10 global regions of birth. We find dramatic differences in the social and economic characteristics of immigrant children...Read More

Journal Article: American Indian/Alaska Native uninsurance disparities: A comparison of three surveys.

Jul. 18, 2011: OBJECTIVES: We examined whether 3 nationally representative data sources produce consistent estimates of disparities and rates of uninsurance among the American Indian/Alaska Native (AIAN) population and to demonstrate how choice of data source impacts study conclusions. METHODS: We...Read More

Journal Article: Disparities in Public Use Data Availability for Race, Ethnic, and Immigrant Groups: National Surveys for Healthcare Disparities Research

Jul. 18, 2011: Background: Disparities in healthcare coverage and access have a prominent place on the national health policy agenda. It is, therefore, essential to understand strengths and limitations of national surveys that provide annual or periodic data for population-based healthcare disparities...Read More
