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Infographic: Urban Institute Releases Medicaid/CHIP Participation Among Kids in 2013-2014

May. 23, 2016: The infographic below features high-level findings of Medicaid/CHIP participation among kids in 2013 and 2014. These findings were taken from the Urban Institute report, "Children's Coverage Climb Continues: Uninsurance and Medicaid/ CHIP Eligibility and Participation Under the ACA" that was...Read More

Infographic: ESI in 2014 - What Changed?

Mar. 17, 2016: The infographic below features high-level findings from the 2014 MEPS-IC about changes in employer-sponsored insurance from 2013 to 2014. Download a PDF of the infographic.                      ...Read More

Infographic: Employer-Sponsored Insurance (ESI) - What Changed in 2014?

Mar. 17, 2016: The infographic below features high-level findings from the 2014 MEPS-IC about changes in employer-sponsored insurance from 2013 to 2014. Download a PDF of the infographic.                      ...Read More

INFOGRAPHIC - 2016 OEP: January Marketplace Enrollment Highlights

Jan. 11, 2016: The office of the Assistant Secretary of Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) realeased national and state-level enrollment-related information for the first two months of the Health Insurance Marketplace 2016 open enrollment period (11-1-15 to 12-26-15).   Download here: ASPE 2016...Read More

Infographic: Good News on National Rural Health Day

Nov. 19, 2015: The National Organization of State Offices of Rural Health (NOSORH) sets aside the third Thursday of every November – this year, November 19th, 2015 – to celebrate National Rural Health Day. Learn more. Read More

Infographic: First Look at 2015 State Level Uninsurance Rates

Nov. 18, 2015: The infographic below illustrates the change in point-in-time uninsurance from January through June 2014 to January through June 2015 at the national level and for selected states using early release estimates from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS).  Read More

Infographic: Early Impacts of the ACA on Minnesota's Uninsured

Nov. 02, 2015: This infographic accompanies the journal article, “Coverage Gains After the Affordable Care Act Among the Uninsured in Minnesota,” by Kathleen Thiede Call, Elizabeth Lukanen, Donna Spencer, Giovann Alarcón, Jessie Kemmick Pintor, Alisha Baines Simon, and Stefan Gildemeister, that was...Read More

Infographic: Health Insurance Coverage in 2014 - Estimates from the ACS

Nov. 02, 2015: This infographic highlights the newly-released estimates from the American Community Survey (ACS) on health insurance coverage in 2014 at the national level and across the states. We draw on the information presented in "Health Insurance Coverage in the United States, 2014," a Current...Read More

25% of QHP Enrollees Reside in Just 18 Counties (Infographic)

Jul. 17, 2015: The Office of the Assistant Secretary of Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) released data on the total number of Qualified Health Plan (QHP) selections by county from November 15, 2014, through February 22, 2015 (i.e., for the duration of the second Marketplace open enrollment period and one week...Read More

Post-ACA Coverage Estimates: Early Release of 2014 Full-Year NHIS

Jun. 26, 2015: June 26, 2015: New insurance coverage estimates from the 2014 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) Early Release Program show a 2.9 percentage-point decline in the national uninsured rate from 2013 to 2014 (from 14.4% to 11.5%). This continues a downward trend in the national uninsured rate...Read More

King v. Burwell: Impact Varies by State

Jun. 18, 2015: June 18, 2015: The Supreme Court is expected to issue its decision in King v. Burwell before the end of the month. Should the Court reject the Obama Administration’s interpretation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), there will be major coverage impacts in 34 states. The case is hinged on...Read More

NHIS: Uninsured Rate Down 2.6 Percentage Points Nationally from 2013 to 2014 (Infographic)

Mar. 27, 2015: March 27, 2014: As part of its National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) Early Release Program, the National Center for Health Statistics issued early release estimates of health insurance coverage for January through September 2014 from the NHIS. NCHS...Read More

Health Insurance Marketplaces 2015 Open Enrollment Report

Mar. 13, 2015: March 13, 2015: Total Marketplace enrollment for the second Open Enrollment period reached 11.7 million.   More than half of the enrollment was among new enrollees and 86% received a subsidy.       Click here for federal and state enrollment numbers and highlights...Read More

Medicaid and CHIP: December 2014 Enrollment Highlights

Mar. 10, 2015: March 10, 2015: The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released year-end 2014 state-level enrollment figures for Medicaid and CHIP along with final figures for the month of December. In all, 69.7 million people enrolled in Medicaid/CHIP nationwide in 2014, with greater post-...Read More

Fewer Families Burdened by Medical Bills

Mar. 05, 2015: A new report by the National Center for Health Statistics indicates that fewer people under the age of 65 are living in families reporting problems paying medical bills. In 2014, approximately 47.7 million people under 65 years of age live in families with problems paying medical bills—down from 56...Read More
