Shadac Faculty

Dr. Blewett is the founding Director of SHADAC, as well as a Professor in the Division of Health Policy and Management at the University of Minnesota, School of Public Health, where she teaches graduate courses on the U.S. health care system and international health systems.
Dr. Blewett has a committed history in working and researching health policy, access to care, Medicaid coverage, and payment policy with experience at both the state and national levels. She has expertise in leading applied policy research, directing research with diverse funding, analyzing state and federal data resources, and translating research to inform health policy. Her health policy experience includes legislative work for the U.S. Senate and state policy work as Director of the Health Economics Program for the Minnesota Department of Health.
Dr. Blewett has published over 50 articles related to health and health care. She has served as Chair of the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) Scientific Advisory Board and as a Member of the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics (NCVHS). Dr. Blewett is also a member of the National Association of Social Insurance (NASI), held a position on the Executive Committee of the board for AcademyHealth, and previously served on the board for the University of Minnesota Medical Center (UMMC). Locally, Dr. Blewett served on the Governor of Minnesota's state task force on health care financing in 2015 and 2016, developing specific recommendations related to Medicaid financing and access to care, and was a board member of a local access-to-care program "Portico," which provides outreach and enrollment for Medicaid and safety net programs.
Dr. Blewett holds a Ph.D. in Health Services Research, Policy and Administration from the University of Minnesota, a master’s in Public Affairs from the Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs at the University of Minnesota, and a B.A. in Psychology from the University of Wisconsin at Madison.
Access Lynn Blewett's Curriculum Vitae here.
Access Lynn Blewett's journal articles on PubMed.
Lynn Blewett in the Media
Increased subsidies lead to record-setting year for Affordable Care Act enrollment
The National Desk January 27, 2023
Governor Walz, Lieutenant Governor Flanagan Announce Plan to Support Minnesota Children and Families
Office of Governor Tim Walz & Lt. Governor Peggy Flanagan January 25, 2022
I Have Long COVID. Do I Qualify for Disability Insurance?
GoodRx October 14, 2021
12 states still refuse to expand Medicaid. Why that’s a problem for all of us.
MarketWatch AllSides Flipboard 15 Minute News Info Magzine September 9, 2021
Supreme Court justices seem unlikely to strike down full ACA
Modern Healthcare November 10, 2020
Trump's plan for pre-existing conditions remains to be seen
Star Tribune October 30, 2020
Experts discuss issues presented by the pandemic
The Spectrum October 23, 2020
NDSU Public Health hosts panel to discuss pandemic response
KVRR Local News October 20, 2020
North Dakota coronavirus news, Oct. 18: Pandemic panel discussion set
Bismarck Tribune October 18, 2020
Ultimately the plan is just that - a plan: A look at reopening plans across the Big Ten
Minnesota Daily June 15, 2020
Students anxious about health care coverage due to COVID-19 uncertainties
Minnesota Daily June 6, 2020
For Many, Health Insurance Another Likely Casualty of COVID-19
U.S. News & World Report June 4, 2020
Pandemic pushes more people into insurance market
MPR News Albert Lea Tribune May 27, 2020
Hospitals Knew How to Make Money. Then Coronavirus Happened.
The New York Times Baltimore Sun May 15, 2020
UM: As many as 18.4 million Americans may lose health insurance
Duluth News Tribune May 3, 2020
Report: Arizona lagging behind in per capita health spending
U.S. News & World Report AP News The Washington Times The Hour Fox 10 Phoenix Times-Union KGUN 9 Tucson May 3, 2020
A new public health crisis: caring for older adults living in nursing homes, assisted living and senior care
MinnPost April 29, 2020
As many as 18.4 million Americans face disruptions and potential loss of health insurance coverage in pandemic
UMN SPH News Medical Xpress Brinkwire April 27, 2020
Arizona's public health spending is lower than most states'. Here's what that means
USA Today April 27, 2020
More than 23,000 seek coverage through MNsure
Star Tribune April 22, 2020
Experts: Oklahoma, Among the Unhealthiest States, Faces Heightened Risks for COVID-19
PBS Frontline April 16, 2020
Where Medicaid coverage is most prevalent
Health Exec Patch March 23, 2020
2020's States with the Most and Least Medicaid Coverage
WalletHub March 23, 2020
Minnesota Department of Human Services needs emergency powers
Star Tribune March 19, 2020
The American healthcare system is only making COVID-19 worse
Popular Science The Entrepreneur Fund March 9, 2020
Minnesota insurers offer more detailed guidance on benefits as coronavirus spreads
Star Tribune March 9, 2020
What happens in Minnesota if Obamacare gets struck down by the courts?
Minnesota Reformer January 28, 2020
Getting Older, Going Broke: Who's Going to Pay for Long-Term Care?
Pew Trusts: Stateline The Eagle Johnson City Press July 25, 2019
GetInsured Retires More Than $1 Million of Consumer Medical Debt in Minnesota After Survey Sheds Light on Statewide Issue
GetInsured July 15, 2019
No clear strategy to fund ballooning need for senior care
MPR News Albert Lea Tribune July 12, 2019
Five things to know about Minnesota's medical provider tax
Minnesota Public Radio June 4, 2019
One of the most in-demand jobs in Minnesota is in health care. Specifically, one of the lowest-paid jobs in health care.
MinnPost April 2, 2019
Budget shortfalls loom in Minnesota's health care fund
Star Tribune April 1, 2019
Research Brief: Cost of a Federal Reinsurance Program to Stabilize States' Individual Health Insurance Markets March 27, 2019
Research Brief: Cost of a Federal Reinsurance Program to Stabilize States' Individual Health Insurance Markets
UMN SPH News March 26, 2019
Study: Reinsurance to cost feds $30 billion to support ACA insurers
Modern Healthcare March 22, 2019
The best spot to retire might not be the warmest
Star Tribune February 2, 2019
MinnesotaCare for all? Lawmakers pitch a way to broaden healthcare
Star Tribune January 14, 2019
A path forward to fixing health insurance coverage
Minnesota Medicine November/December 2018 Issue
Here's how MN governor candidates Walz and Johnson differ on health care, and what the experts say
Twin Cities Pioneer Press October 15, 2018
Lower health insurance rates are welcome, but what now?
Star Tribune October 5, 2018
Deductibles Hit $2,000 As Employers Intensify Cost Shift
Forbes October 4, 2018
Health Insurance Takes More Out of Workers' Paychecks
Health Insurance Newsletter October 3, 2018
Health Insurance Costs Accelerating for Workers
HealthLeaders October 1, 2018
ServeMinnesota Hosts Event on Opioid Crisis to Focus on a Recovery Movement
Markets Insider October 1, 2018
Politics Friday: Campaigns and Health Care
MPR News September 14, 2018
Number of Minnesotans without health insurance grows by 18,000
Star Tribune September 12, 2018
The States Tackle Health Care Reform
U.S. News & World Report August 10, 2018
Medical Assistance Recipients Would Face Work Mandate Under New Bill
Minnesota Watchdog May 2, 2018
Work Requirements Give Republicans Cover to Expand Medicaid
U.S. News & World Report April 23, 2018
UMN Expert: Medicaid Work Requirements.
University of Minnesota February 13, 2018
2017's Healthiest Cities in America. February 12, 2018
Latest Health Care Repeal Bill in Senate Could Cost Minnesota Billions.
Pharmacy Choice September 22, 2017
Why Single-Payer is Not Likely Our Path Forward.
Star Tribune September 15, 2017
MinnesotaCare Buy-In: Maybe Not a Long Shot.
Health Affairs Blog August 2, 2017
Reinsurance Approval Key to Holding Down Insurance Premium Hikes.
MPR News August 1, 2017
Health Care Town Hall in Cottage Grove Shines Light on Medicaid Recipients.
South Washington County Bulletin July 27, 2017
States Think Reinsurance Might Fix Obamacare Troubles.
Washington Examiner July 24, 2017
CBO Gives Senate Health Care Bill a Toxic Score.
Star Tribune June 27, 2017
MNSure Weighs Tighter Sign-Up Rules.
Star Tribune April 27, 2017
How Minnesota is Stepping Up to Preserve Its Individual Market.
Health Affairs Blog April 18, 2017
Reps. Cramer, Peterson Appear Split on Obamacare Replacement.
West Central Tribune March 22, 2017
How Reinsurance May Help Health Insurers.
Finance and Commerce March 21, 2017